The name is azimSYAHMI.I was born on 02 aug 1992.I'm from Malaysia, a small country in jitra,kedah. I'm a Muslim,I love my religion. I absolutely love photoshoot! Music, I listen to everything(litterally). I am one like no other! A Random, day dreaming, feminin sided guy with a lot to prove! I love meeting new people, even though I might get shy sometimes with the first impressions and stuff. I try to present myself with full honesty. I care what other people thing. I don't believe in personality. I believe that everyone is what they are because they're use to doing it, like a habit. Its your choice of actions that make up your image. Not your "born personality"; you can act whoever you want. My family is the greatest inspiration in my life and I love em to death, my friends keep me going and they show me that there are others like me - I need these people till the end and I'll care for them till my last heart beat.I Love everything that has to do with Art! You could say that im a very visual person. I'm a simple and open minded guy with a scorch for self development.during my leisure time I like to photoshoot , listen to the music, and most of all,I enjoy doing something that would benefit me and others. I am very positive. I always see the bright side of things. I try not to worry myself to my downfall. I avoid arguments, violence, and drama. I also try to make myself a better person and I always seek opportunities for my benefit.

Sunday, December 26, 2010


hari ini mmg aq sedih sngt3lah,
smpai jdi gila la,nnges mcm bdk2 dh
,mna tak nya
dia mmg dh nazak dpn aq,
msa 2 lak aq tgh papah dia,
tapi kuasa Allah,
alhamdulillah dia masih lagi b'nfs.
harini dia msuk hspital
lps tu kena thn dlm wad,
nta bila la dia akn pulih,
so,mari lah sma2 kita doakn ya,
moga2 dia cpt smbuh.

1 comment:

  1. azim, kau cucu yang terbaik azim, dgn ikhlas hati aku puji adik aku mmg baik budi pekertinya, kau byk berubah la azim, bestnyer kalau abg enn dpt berubah kan, bila yer agaknya?? mesti ayah la org PERTAMA yg gembira kan..
